Days of Awe and the veil is thin.

At the Jews on Ohlone land Tashlich at the Berkeley Marina, a woman gave me a sprig from her herb garden that had gone to seed to throw in the water. To me it symbolizes what could have been but isn’t transforming into what could be and will. So mote it be.

There has been a lot of death among my friends and family of friends in the recent month or two. Aside from famous folk, I lost my beloved, TL in June. In September I lost two close friends in one week. First, Kala “SuSu” Susan Levin died on September 3, and then Fr. Louis Vitale died on September 6. Three days ago, two different people told me that their fathers had just died.

The Spiral Dance is going to be live in Golden Gate Park this year, and early in the day: noon on Saturday, October 28, in Helman Hollow, formerly Speedway Meadow. More info is here. If you have the name of someone you want us to read who died since last Halloween, click here. What is remembered lives.

I was really feeling Kehilla for High Holy Days this year. At this point, that means the month of Ellul into Rosh Hashanah and now the Days of Awe. Every year, the people in the Middle East Peace Committee and the Chavurah for a Free Palestine wonder aloud when Palestine will get spoken of from the bima, and from the leadership during this time of personal and collective, spiritual reflection, “teshuvah” (turning) and atonement.

As often happens in “progressive,” Jewish spaces, Palestine has been excluded from the moral concerns as expressed by High Holy Day leaders at the evening and morning services when most people tune in. I knew that this year would be different, and it was! It was a combination of factors including one to be lamented, not celebrated: the state sanctioned violence against Palestinians and efforts to erase them from the landscape are becoming more widespread, brazen and murderous than they already were. Kehilla’s Chief Rabbi Dev Noily visited my friends in Um Al Khair in the spring and saw how life has become for Palestinians. The combined advocacy and organizing of the Middle East Peace Committee and the Chavurah for a Free Palestine has been awakening and nudging the leadership. Now it feels like more of the congregation agrees that we need to acknowledge, and even repent of, the long history of Zionist and Jewish supremacist, anti-Palestinian aggression.

This isn’t a “clash”! It’s a five-on-one. Shame on the editor for that caption! The man on the ground isn’t “clashing”; he’s moving in response to the kicks he’s receiving by the armored, Israeli soldier-types. Their verb choice creates a false equivalency, downplaying the mismatch regardless of whatever preceded this photo timestamp. There is a lot of worthy reporting, too much to add here. Let me recommend that you visit Portside (, a view of the left) and scan for articles from many sources. We owe it to the oppressed of the world to stand with them as best we can.

Brooke Lober, founder of the Chavurah for a Free Palestine gave a powerful drash during Erev Rosh Hashanah services about the need for the congregation to act now to stop the violence being perpetrated in our names; the violence, we are told, is for our presumed benefit and safety. The invitation was a huge statement of support from the spiritual leadership team. We wanted them to speak, and their decision to bring us up, for the congregation to hear what we hear, the Palestinian cries that we hear, from Brooke’s perspective, was a rousing endorsement of our work and direction.

There was rare applause after Brooke’s drash which came late, after Avinu Malkeinu. People were open. For some, the yearning to hear such words from the bima on High Holy Days was as longstanding as ours. The release of tension garnered tears and tissues for many.

Goals of the Chavurah include that the congregation sign onto the Apartheid Free Pledge and become an avowedly antizionist congregation, or at least support the Palestinian civil society call for boycott, divestment and santions against Israel. Kehilla leadership has always stood with antizioinist Jews and our place, our belonging, in Jewish community. As they join us outright, I want to emphasize that we are welcome, as Jews, in the Palestinian liberation struggle if we want to be. Not with all Palestinians, I grant you, but we are welcome. We have to be willing to check and forgo our privilege though. It is a process, to be sure, but the sky’s the limit, and there really is no other way.

In the gallery above, the solo picture was taken by Hilary Believes. I grabbed it from Kala’s FB page. I took the picture of Kala holding Josh’s eldest, Evelyn, shortly after she was born. Dress and I don’t have a lot of pictures of Kala, as it turns out. She was usually behind the camera, although not the last few years. Kala has a great smile in pictures. I would like to see a picture of her in her nurse’s garb and when she and Michael were traveling the world. Dress and Kala joined me and Nevada Desert Experience for the Sacred Peace Walk in 2009, after I moved to Las Vegas (for five years). Their presence and support meant a lot to me, especially that first year. We were outside Creech Air Force Base in the photo. I have to thank Google Photo’s algorithm for showing me the picture from the 2015 Harborside party of the three of us together.

Kala came to be my close friend because she hooked up with my best friend, dress. She delivered lots of babies until her first stroke, a couple years into their marriage. I was blessed to be in close proximity to their love. Covid did interrupt our Sunday evening hang outs, but our time together was an anchor of my week. Kala always fed (unless it was Steve that week). I have thrived on Kala’s leftovers! I am happy to have known her both before and after that change. They continued to live life with much style, joy and adventure. Her communication of impatience, and difficulty being understood, could excite and upset her. Dress and Kala (and I) found our way to understanding and reacting better to her, at times, confusing insistences. Constantly feeding the cats and feeling a mysteriously urgent and undeniable need to tend the dishes and laundry were hallmarks for Kala that became matters for a shrug and smile instead of an intervention. She also kinda stopped doing as many precarious things as her energy tapered off the last few years. Goddess bless Adissa downstairs and Steve for all the amazing family dinners after Kala stopped cooking her “share” of them. I am grateful to Kala’s family for welcoming me as a chosen member.

Kala’s passing was peaceful and easy even though she had to have a breathing tube pulled out. Mercifully, she didn’t stay alive more than fifteen minutes after that. Yule was a wonderful sight to behold as death dula. I haven’t done tahara, the ritual cleansing of the body that some in the Jewish community want, but I will be available through my synagogue, as timing allows. It was an honor to assist Yule with Kala along with dress and Eva.

The house feels like it is without an anchor, but as a ship, the crew is caring for her and steering their way through. Sundays are my usual days there. Today was Rosh Hashanah, and I didn’t make it over there. Gypsie the cat is missing her lap and comforting hands. I try to make up for her loss, as does dress. Lilu is still evasive, but I think she will also mellow out soon. What will Halloween look like this year? A tribute, going all out in Kala’s memory, or will Dress opt for more of his own take? What will the kids downstairs do? How often will there be family dinners? We’ll see!

Clockwise from top left: Visiting Louis was special for us both. A Half Moon Bay event included some beautiful hearts. The image of Louis looking out the window of the federal courthouse in Las Vegas during a recess in the Creech 14 trial always invoked a sense of Christ for me. How many times did Louis say mass at the entrance of the Nevada Test Site (or Nevada National Security Site now)? Here, he was with the late, great Murphy Davis of Atlanta’s Open Door Community. Louis praying while kneeling at the line (of the NNSS). Louis, near Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, with myself and another close friend, the late, great Sr. Megan Rice. [Note: That was when we hooked up with Dennis Duvall. Hi Dennis!]

Fr. Louis Vitale OFM was a mentor and a friend. He went to G-d on September 6. We met when he was pastor in the Tenderloin at St. Boniface, and I was in the core group that ran Martin de Porres House of Hospitality. He started the Gubbio Project, opening the church pews to the poor during the day. He always represented the good, even the best, in the Catholic Church. His critical faith was a great example. to me and many. I like to say, “Pace e bene” because of Louis: Peace and all good.

Louie often told a story of when he was in Europe in World War II, something that led him to become a pacifist, before he was a Franciscan and priest. He was a bombardier or rear gunner, and they were ordered to shoot down a plane, but the captain and crew had a feeling that it was a misidentified civilian aircraft. They didn’t shoot it down, corretly, but against orders, and that close call affected him deeply.

Louis founded Nevada Desert Experience, but first, he found an amazing compound in historic “West” Las Vegas, an area treated as “the ‘hood” by many. It still has the three army buildings in a U, creating a nice courtyard area that he found for a nascent Franciscan community. The Franciscans bought it for $6000 or $7000, and it has been a great investment. It now is part of the Las Vegas Catholic Worker, and Pace Bene Nonviolence Service no longer has a presence there, but Nevada Desert Experience continues to bring people to demonstrate against nuclear weapons and drone warfare. Louis’ memory compels us all to continue on in the struggle.

I was honored to be a friend who visited him even as his memory, clarity and strength waned. He went from reading my Missives to enjoying looking at photographs of himself with wonderful friends and me telling him names and places. Later, he would remember me, but photos became harder to relate to, yet he could still read a paragraph and pray. It got to where I often couldn’t understand what he was saying, but he loved to have his back scratched. Louis died in peace, and that is a comfort to his many friends. He would have traded his peace for the peace of others, and that is why he will remain a shining light to peacemakers even though he has gone back to God.

I took a lot of really beautiful pictures of Louis over the years. Check out this Google Drive folder.If you have any photos with Louis that I may have snapped that aren’t here, I would love to see them. We kept in touch, and an out of the blue call from Louis was sure to lift my spirits. Those even lasted a bit into covid. It was a relief to be able to visit again. I last saw him sometime in early August. Louis always spent most of his time in the common space, not his room. He was basically relaxed. He really liked me scratching his back too.

Some old Martin de Porres House stationery had a Mother Theresa quote on it, but it makes me think of Louis: “God is love, and love must love.” Pace e bene!

I hope that I sell more pre-sale tickets here, but I see that the online discount doesn’t amount to $2 with the Eventbrite surcharge added in. Sorry. I want a good audience of friends and other strange ones for Erica, my featured friend! I am a long way from selling out. Pay-what-you-want discount code at the door is how you know me in one word: e.g Missives, Martins, Reclaiming, Baker Places, family, activism, etc. I will be thrilled if I come close to breaking even, no profit. I want any interested friend to come and not to worry about cost. If you can, get a ticket on line. If not, let me know you are coming, or just show up! This will be a special evening with a dynamic performer and her astounding powers of memory and discernment. It’s gonna be super fun!

Splitting the Democratic Party could likely allow destructive, out of touch, Republican Trumpists to gain more official power than they have. It is scary, but also necessary so that progressives can actually push a case without back-stabbing by “moderate” Dumpocratic leaders in our own party. It is gut-wrenching to see progressive ideals and proponents repeatedly get body-slammed by the likes of Biden, Wasserman-Schultz of Florida, Manchin, Feinstein’s current puppeteer. and the shadowy people they promote to high places. Progressives need our own party. Why did I write this?

On the other hand, with friends like these…I want to pause and offer a prayer for everyone effected by climate and human induced catastrophe. We have to turn the tide and stop the fossil fuel industry. To stop all the weapons and weapons of war from being made and profited on. Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez speak in this short Democracy Now! segment about a large climate justice rally outside the United Nations in New York. She was on fire! And Vanessa Nakate and Susan Sarandon (who explicitly called out the war-profiteers, stirring my heart) were stellar as well.

Eamon wanted chocolate instead of any of the small, groovy toys as his treat at the hardware store. He was happy with his choice. I really like a couple of the toys though, so I still got them. I gave them to Lacy. I think she lets him play with them too, but they aren’t his! That is the only picture here that I took this time. The ones with Eamon in the flower, print shirt were taken by long, lost brother Peter. Wonderful people, Peter and his wife Brandi came down from Jersey for the party. It was a joy to meet them.I am especially thankful to Peter for the shot of Eamon with the bubble and bubble gun which now is my computer’s lock-screen image. Lacy took the other two images here. And yes, I walked the labyrinth too. Quinn is three now, and Eamon was excited for his brother getting to blow out his candles!

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3 Responses to Days of Awe and the veil is thin.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for such beautiful words about Kala and Louis. Nice pics too.


  2. DRESS WEDDING says:

    Thanks for such beautiful words about Kala and Louis. Nice pics too.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Jim for your faithfulness, growing in love and spirit.


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